Saturday, July 7, 2012

Duckling Update

   All together we ended up with six khaki campbell ducklings. Out of the twelve eggs we put in the incubator, two of them were not fertilized or they didn't last long through the whole process. Three of them died in their shell after pecking a hole in it and not much more. We figured out that after 24 hours from the first peck in the shell, if they are not out then we needed to help them. We ended up helping five of them break open their shells. One of the ducklings came out with a dislocated hip and could only drag the one leg around. It ended up not making it.
  We now have six new ducklings to raise tell they're big enough to put in the coop with the other ducks and chickens. Hopefully most of them are   females so we can increase are egg production.


  1. What kind of duckings are they?

    Sonja Twombly of

  2. Ooops! Just reread this... LOL. I was told the black and white ducks we were gifted were kahki campbells, but they don't look like it to me. Do you have any pictures of your adult ducks to post? Or perhaps, you have already done that and I missed it?


  3. You read it right the first time. I changed it after reading your commet. I'll to do a post about my ducks and chickens.
