Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Sixth Day of Homemade Christmas

Pretend Fried Eggs
     Our little boy is obsessed with helping out in the kitchen. One of his favorite routines is helping his daddy make fried eggs in the morning. He delights in having a job and repeats "Egg. Help. Dada." until Mr. J pulls a chair up to the counter so he can help/watch him crack the eggs. He just beams from ear to ear once he's helping and repeatedly announces to everyone within earshot that the eggs came from our "Bock bocks!"
     Well, I saw a single pretend fabric egg on Amazon for nearly $8, not including shipping, and for a brief second I even had it in my shopping cart until my wheels started spinning. In less than 10 minutes I was able to whip up six fabric eggs from white felt scraps and some of the leftover yellow facecloth I used for Miss D's mermaid doll's hair. I knew I had plastic eggs in a box somewhere in my attic from when I taught preschool, so I tracked six of them down and put them all in a cute, little half dozen egg carton that friends of ours had saved for us.      
     Now, I am under no illusion that the carton, or the plastic eggs for that matter, are going to last forever, but I have plenty more eggs where the first six came from and I am certain that Mr. T will not mind if I simply take a full dozen carton and cut it in half when the time comes for a replacement. The fabric eggs will certainly last, and I cannot wait to see him cracking his own eggs into his pretend frying pan or the new toy stand mixer that he will be receiving for Christmas as he cooks and bakes in his play kitchen! The cost for this gift was essentially free since I had everything on hand, and I can only imagine the hours of entertainment it will provide for our little man.

Merrily Yours, Mrs. J :)

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